01/02/2025: SMALL TRAINS DAY - 10TH AUGUST 2025
G Scale trains have been successfully run on the 'Garden Railway'. Trackwork and wiring continues.
Older News items shown below
A Change round in the committee: Jim Unsworth takes on Secretary, contact email: B&HMRC@Unsworth-web.co.uk. Robert Page is now in charge of security. Exhibition Manager taken on by Steve Knight
A Garden railway is now under construction in 'G' scale at the front of the Thompson Centre (club room)> Progress is good with weathered base boards already in place.
This years SMALL TRAINS DAY exhibition is 6th October.
It is with great saddness that I have to report the death of one of our members - Desmond Perrett.
Change of committee: Jack Cavie has stood down as events manager and the mantle has been taken up jointley by Rob Page and Paul Roche.
On Prime Video is a film, 'The Numbers Station'. In the first quarter of the film is a couple of scenes of the characts using the supposed local railway station - East Anglian Railway Museum.
Proposed G Gauge Layout. Vic Hammond has proposed that we build a G Gauge layout outside the clubrooms in the pit by the children's playground.
Recently an updated design for our club logo was shown on the small trains day leaflet and here on the club website, but seems to have caused a little controversy. The old British Rail symbol that we have been using does not have a copyright on it, so that remains in place. The "designer's" small input, albeit a nice one, was to put our name into a totem shape add a couple of arrows and change the colour. However, it appears the designer is upset about us using his/her changes. So we have gone back to our original logo and we are asking members for their input. Above is an enhancement the original club logo for comment.
AGM held on 02/08/2021:
The club was hit hard by Covid situation but has remained strong due to the loyal membership, and everyone was pleased that the decision was made to open the club up again fully, with some restrictions/actions deemed necessary for continued careful use of facilities.
The Treasurer thanked all those members that continued to add to the club funds through their monthly subscriptions, members were offered the opportunity to opt out for the period, but everyone that declined that option. This had enable the club to build up funds allowing the various layout groups in the Club to function.
Monthly subscriptions will continue at £8.00 per month per member (this includes cost of the membership to the EARM).
Changes to the committee: Paul Roche standing down as Secretary and Steve Knight nominated. Rob Page standing down as Exhibition Manager and Jack Cavie nominated. Bob French standing down as Membership Secretary and Gordon Humphris nominated and also continues as Treasurer. Continuing committee members are: Martin Sansum Chairman, Vic Hammond Vice Chairman.
Trip this year is Sunday 19 Sept - Friday 24 Sept, there is still place going spare so if anyone is interested please contact Bob French A.S.A.P. for details
Welcome back!
Firstly apologises for the short notice but we will be having an official club reopening and AGM on Monday 2nd August at the clubrooms. The AGM will start at 8pm and it would be great to see as many of you there as possible. Anybody who can’t make it please let me know so it can go in the minutes.
If anyone has items they wish to put in the agenda please let me know no later than Wednesday 28th July, I will email a copy of the agenda out to you all before Monday
Many thanks
Paul Roche
BHMRC Secretary
The committee have decided that Monday June 28th at 7:30pm would be a great day to have an official club reopening and to also hold the AGM from 800pm at the same time.
Now as stated before everything is so up in the air so this is subject to change but please pencil this date and time into your diaries.
It will be great to see as many of you as possible and to finally have the club back to as normal as we can get it.
If we have to change our plans you will be informed as soon as we know it has to change.
Keep safe and keep modelling
Paul Roche
BHMRC Secretary
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death of Pat Downes, wife of the Late Reg Downes, at the weekend
The Up and Down main lines are now operative, being capable of running either DC or DCC. Work has stated on the station yard, with the control panel wiring nearing completion, fully operational colour light signals and major buildings are starting to appear.
The control panel has been installed for the station and sidings and is ready for points/isolation sections/signals etc to be connected. the layout will allow Dc or DCC to be selected for different elements of the layout. The down line is now a complete circuit and the the power bus bar installation has commenced.
News 26/09/2019
The New O gauge club layout currently under construction has now been named:
News 18/08/2015
The move did not go ahead as planned as the contractors had got the foundations wrong.
The foundations have now been put right but we don't have a date for the move as the contractor has to find the cranes and lorries again for the move.
Hopfully we will be in in the middle of September.
Then the work starts.
Planning permission for the present site has been approved for housing so it looks like we have done the right thing in getting the new building at Chapel.
News 30/09/2015
The first units of our new club house arrived on site today at long last. The contractors had a few teething problems namely the ground work contractors had got the measurements of the landing pads wrong.
With a bit of jiggery pokery it was sorted out and when I left the site at lunchtime two units where in place.
Hopefully by the end of tomorrow all the 14 units will be in place.
Next week we are hopefully going to complete the rewiring. This is an important element as this enables us to get a cup of tea. The members refuse to do any work with out it.
News 19/10/2015
Things did not go as planned as the the landing pads where still wrong. The first six units had to be moved again so that we could adjust the landing pads.
Finally the units where put in place on Friday 16th.
Work commenced today to clear out the rubbish and start work on the electrics.
We have sold our other club house and that should be moved in the next few weeks.
For a while our Monday nights meetings will have to be in a pub (what a shame).
Why not come along and be a builder instead of a model railway club member as this will be the norm for the foreseeable future.
Many hands make light work.
News 30/11/2015
Work has commenced on the refurbishment of the new building with up to10 members working on the building three days a week.
All the plasterboard that needed coming off has now been removed and the studwork walls that needed removing have come down.
New doors have been fitted and other doors have been taken off and filled in with plaster board.
The electrics have been started by Steve who is a signal man so works full time. He comes along when he can.
We had a slight problem with the floor as when the units were located three had missed the landing pads in the middle. This envolved us cutting holes in the floor and jacking the building up and new landing pads fitted. We are also having to completely replace the floor and joists in what will be the kitchen. Work which we could have done without.
If the work carries on at this pace we should have a fully usable building by the spring 2016 and finished by the summer.
Pictures below.
News 11/01/2018
All the work has been completed and we have been functioning as a fully working club since spring 2016.
The "O" gauge layout has been extended to 60ft and is of exhibition standard.
The "OO" gauge layout has been joined to the gasworks to make a layout of 60ft with a 40ft tramway included.
Work is commencing on a "N" gauge exhibition layout
The 10` x 18` room which was going to be used for members layouts is now a work room with storage for timber and all the tools. This is classed as a dirty room as we have a electic saw and is used to cut the timber for the layouts.
The larger work room 20 x 18 is classed as a clean room as it is used to build new layouts and buildings ect
All the bits a pieces that we need to build layouts is housed in fully fitted cuboards with work tops
and chairs.
The library/ computer room is fully fitted out with computer, printer, library, sittees and arm chairs.This makes it a very restfull room to work and study in
Latest news 10/03/2019
The club house is being remodelled again to accomodate the larger O gauge layout.
The work room and office are now the O gauge layout room.
A small store has been built at the end of the former office.
The office and layout building rooms have moved to the main club room.
All this gives the O gauge a large enough space to do a roundy roundy.
Lots of work being done on Branstead Quay and Halstead is being worked on again, abet slowly.
Why not pop along to see what's going on.
We are open every Thursday and all event days at the museum.We also have a sales stand of second hand railways + dvds all at very competive prices.