Club Layouts

Below is a selection of photographs of the club layouts. We have 'N' 'OO' and 'O' gauges inside the club with two layouts on permanent exhibition to the public, so even when members are not on site there is something for visitors to see and operate themselves.

Richard has fitted a transport system for the dockside crane.

Added interest is the moving crane jibs.

This is the fixed club's 'OO' layout in the main club room. It is approximately 60 feet in length and is basically a dog bone configeration, but with lots of added interest: A dock and canal, a busy main station and town with a tramway connection between the industrial area and gas works and the town centre. The tramway runs over a hill and lake and the gas works has a small 'OO9' works railway.

As you can imagine there is always a lot of work to be done but most of the electrics have been completed, with four sections + they can all be switched onto DCC if required.

Lymeswold.  Part of the permanent exhibitionut

Gosfield Yard: O gauge team at Dapol's club members day Sept 2019

Kelveden: Members examing this N gauge layout, newly aquired as a club layout.

Alexander Palace Team. 2019

Lymeswold and Halstead, the permanent exhibition room layouts.  Press button control, so even whenmembers are not there, the public can see what we get up to. (everyone in the picture gave their consent to be in the photo~ thank y

  1. Club Layouts
  • Branstead Quay OO gauge                       Manager - Peter Ward.
  • Gasworks OO and OO9 Gauge                  Manager - Vic Hammond 
  • Kelvedon N Gauge                                   Manager - Robert Salter
  • Halstead OO Gauge                                 Manager - Martin Sansum
  • Lymeswold OO Gauge                              Manager - Andrew Pye
  • Kilwinning East N Gauge                          Manager - Gordon Lynch
  • Candleford Junction N Gauge                   Managers - Robert Page and                                                                                 Paul Roche
  • Stonedale Basin N Gauge                         Manager - Andrew Pye
  • The New N Gauge Layout                        Manager - Martyn Prince
  • German Layout N Gauge Due to the amount of N gauge layouts      currently in the clubrooms this layout is to be kept in storage and is to be used a filler layout at shows.
  • Chappel High Road O Gauge                   Manager  - Gordon Humphris


  • Little Colne OO Gauge                            Manager and Owner Steve                                                                    Knight       


  • G Gauge Layout Robert Page under construction  outside the clubrooms in the pit by the children's playground.  

Gosfield Yard and Gosfield Juction are both O Gauge transferrable layouts for exhibitions. The two can be put together to provide an imprssive 60+ foot long exhibition.

Both have been out for exhibitions and are booked for sveral more into 2020. Keep an eye out for us and come and say hello.